Following on from Part 1 of Reflections into Egypt, I have to admit that, with the integrations deepening in significance and meaning every week, I have become more acutely aware of just how VAST the downloads on such a mission can be, and how slow it can be to assimilate such (although that may just be this slow coach, auditory-digital/kinaesthetic learner that I tend to be)

Visiting over 17 sacred ancient sites in a country like Egypt over a short period of time can be overwhelming on a very real and on an unconscious level, but it is also extremely exhilarating, FUN, enchanting, beautiful and spiritually enriching on every level.

I am keenly more understanding of the reasons why so many spiritual teachers and experts I know do not want to return, citing the country as hectic with very strong and sometimes dark energy. Whilst this may be TRUE, especially when one attempts to be a graceful tourist and allow for the proverbial wool to be pulled over one’s eyes, which can be an easy mistake if one is not alert, centred and ‘hustle fit’, I am going to tell you just WHY we plan to do this again next year.

As such we were taken far from the madding crowd and afforded some spectacular private access and exposure to the hidden realms of Egyptian mythology, to explore on an experiential level their  relevance to us as a species today, during the final throws of transitioning into the Aquarian Age.

Being up early and fresh, with yoga and meditation meant that we could get to the sites before the busloads of tourists came through, and remaining centred amidst the chaos of the hustle and bustle of the more popular sites and city markets, left us less vulnerable to those locals who genuinely see tourists as simply bags of money, here today and gone tomorrow.


We could not have wished for more and I am super excited to take YOU with us on the next One!