Following on from Part 1 of Reflections into Egypt, I have to admit that, with the integrations deepening in significance and meaning every week, I have become more acutely aware of just how VAST the downloads on such a mission can be, and how slow it can be to assimilate such (although that may just be this slow coach, auditory-digital/kinaesthetic learner that I tend to be)
Visiting over 17 sacred ancient sites in a country like Egypt over a short period of time can be overwhelming on a very real and on an unconscious level, but it is also extremely exhilarating, FUN, enchanting, beautiful and spiritually enriching on every level.
I am keenly more understanding of the reasons why so many spiritual teachers and experts I know do not want to return, citing the country as hectic with very strong and sometimes dark energy. Whilst this may be TRUE, especially when one attempts to be a graceful tourist and allow for the proverbial wool to be pulled over one’s eyes, which can be an easy mistake if one is not alert, centred and ‘hustle fit’, I am going to tell you just WHY we plan to do this again next year.